COTS Availability is the second Factor in the SCORE acronym. The heart of COTS obsolescence management is the RAC COTS Supplier Database integrated inside SMART. By clicking on the "COTS" button, all COTS items are displayed with both a proactive color-coding and quantitative scoring that ranks the order of COTS Availability by bringing the most critical COTS item to the top of the ranking process.
The RAC COTS Supplier Database integrated in SMART is one of the largest commercial COTS Databases with currently over 20,000 parts from over 2,000 manufacturers and maintains a list of potential replacements, when replacements are available. COTS items are added to the database as existing clients have the need for the item to be monitored.
For COTS items in production, RAC has a well established process to obtain estimated End of Sale and End of Service and Repair Dates directly from the manufacturers. This unique interface permits RAC to update the COTS Supplier Database on demand as new COTS items are identified.