- Bill of Material (BOM) loading with data cleansing & scrubbing.
- Ensuring the highest degree of accuracy and completeness obtainable.
- Real-time and continuous data monitoring services with alert notifications.
- Software solutions with implementation, deployment and training services.
- Solution analysis and assessment with recommendations and resolutions.
- Executive Reports for obsolescence impacts and funding justification.
- Return on investment and cost avoidance metrics and reporting.
- Identification of Life of Type Buy parts with consignment services.
- Data integration and software customization solutions.

Software Design and Development Services
RAC is well positioned to address specific customization or data integration needs and has years of unique experience in the design and development of sophisticated software applications and technology solutions. Our development team welcomes the opportunity to discuss your needs and requirements and show you how RAC can optimize your process into a software automated solution.

RAC: Growing with our Customers
RAC has a rapid product development roadmap as we continue to push our SMART product forward by aggressively adding new capabilities, content and value for our clients. We value the inputs and needs of the customer base and take careful consideration and assessment of our client’s needs in direct correlation with our product development roadmap and strategy. We continue to stay on the cutting edge of technology with our design and development efforts.
Generally, RAC’s contractual approach is Firm Fixed Price contracts based upon an agreed to Statement of Work (SOW) or performance specification. Time & Material is another viable approach when desired by the client.
RAC maintains flexibility working with clients and partners to provide services in a path of least resistance manner. Our key objective is to provide services that meet the client requirements in a cost effective and timely fashion.